Words to live well by – David Wolfe
Here at Leafy Greens, we’re inspired by the rhythm of the seasons, the amazing organic produce on the farm - and the rain. Especially the rain that we have had – we’re loving the new life it is bringing to all the fruit and vegetables.
We’re also inspired by the wisdom and knowledge of some of the world’s leading thinkers on nutrition and superfoods, and living better through eating better. We really enjoy sharing what we’ve learnt on this blog. One of the most influential thought-leaders working in this field at the moment is the American David Wolfe.
David empowers and inspires people to take charge of their health, even up against all the modern-day demands of bills, technology, environmental pollution, commuting, and inflation. By making simple, informed decisions, he demonstrates how we can all enjoy quality time for ourselves and with our family, because, as he maintains, health is wealth!
He’s acquired the nickname David ‘Avocado’ Wolfe for his advocacy of this fantastic fruit, and the logo on his website even includes half an avo in the middle of his name. So we thought we’d start with a few of his thoughts on this wonderful pear…
Trying to choose the perfect avocado? Pick one that has more weight for its size than most. Once you’ve got your avo’s home, don’t put them in the fridge as they will take longer to ripen. Rather keep them next to bananas in your fruit bowl – as the bananas ripen, they naturally release ethylene gas which causes the avo’s to ripen too. Try it!
As long as avo's are in season, you will find them on our lunch buffet - smooth guacamole or mango, avo and tomato salad (the best salad in the book!)
David’s curiosity about the world around us is really inspiring. It’s not just nutrition that he writes about – we really enjoyed one recent blog post where he mused on why we always seem to have our best ideas in the shower. Apparently it’s because showering is such a regular task that we don’t need to give it any thought. Which means that our brains can wander, and when we daydream, our brain relaxes and switches on its ‘default mode network’ freeing up neural pathways so that we can be more creative.
Exactly the kind of free-thinking – combined with first rate nutritional advice – that we enjoy at Leafy Greens… For more of David Wolfe’s eclectic and brilliant thoughts on health, nutrition, raw foods and more, check out his website: www.davidwolfe.com
#eatwelldogood #eatclean #eatraw @antoniadeluca
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