Modern life, despite all its creature comforts, brings with it a number of harmful effects. Toxins present in the air we breathe, the water we drink, and in processed foods contribute to many health problems.
Could it be that something as simple as food can provide a solution to these issues?
There is no such thing as a miracle food. However, current research is identifying certain fruits and vegetables that excel when it comes to nutritional value and positive effects on your body. These foods have come to be known as superfoods.
Here at Leafy Greens we know that the health benefits are maximised when food is organic and local, ensuring that no life is drained from the harvest by chemicals and added food miles. A short journey from farm to table guarantees that everything we grow reaches you while it’s still completely fresh and bursting with goodness.
While there isn’t an official definition of what superfoods are, a good one might be this: foods that make you feel super.
These are nutrient-dense food powerhouses that work to boost health and immunity. They contain high levels of anti-oxidants, vitamins, minerals and other vital nutrients. Superfoods can also help slow down the ageing process, and protect against lifestyle conditions such as cancer and heart problems.
While we can proudly say that we’ve never met a fruit or vegetable we didn’t love, we wanted to introduce you to a few of our favourite superfoods. Think of them as the superheroes of the food world!
- Spirulina increases the haemoglobin content of your red blood cells, so that your blood can transport more oxygen, giving your body more fuel.
- Goji berries are one of the top competitors worldwide in terms of anti-oxidant content, and help to recharge your immune system.
- Raw cacao, also known as the beloved chocolate, is one of nature’s most potent superfoods. With more than 5 times the anti-oxidants of goji berries, cacao is sure to get you feeling radiant.
- Maca, a root grown in the Peruvian mountains, is reported to have many benefits including hormone stability, mood improvement, and increased energy.
If you’re looking to get your daily dose of super, our Superfood Smoothie delivers all of the above ingredients in one delicious drink!
Superfoods are not, however, a one-stop fix-all wonder cure for bad lifestyle habits. It wouldn’t work to eat processed foods loaded with chemical additives and then expect to fix things with the occasional superfood. The best way to think of superfoods is as key ingredients in a super diet. Including these delicious and nutritious superfoods in your diet will give you the extra boost you need to be your very best self, and be a superhero in your own life.
And it’s far easier than getting changed into tights in a phone booth! #antoniasfoodblog #eatwelldogood @antoniadeluca
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