Doctors are still trying to understand the science of sleep, but it is known that sleep is the time during which our bodies heal, rejuvenate, and restore. Sleep is also the time the brain uses to process all the information received during the day, forming new memories and ideas. It is undeniable that of the most important components of good health and vitality is that of a good quality, deep sleep.
It’s ironic, then, that one of the most common complaints revolve around sleep. Whether it’s not sleeping long enough, or not sleeping well enough, almost everyone struggles to get the sleep they need We all know we should get eight hours of sleep a night, but very few of us seem to manage to get to bed on time and, when we do, we often find we have so much on our minds that we simply can’t nod off.
These simple tips will help you sleep longer and better, and feel like a new person in the morning:
Skip the coffee
While we all love an almond milk cappuccino, too much caffeine can very easily lead to a poor sleeping pattern – improper sleep at night leads to the need for more caffeine during the day, which again leads to improper sleep that night. It’s a vicious cycle, but it can be broken. Cutting out caffeine, especially after 2pm, will help you get feel far more relaxed come bedtime.
Eat with the sun
When you eat a meal late in the evening, your stomach is still digesting it well into the early hours of the morning. Digestion requires energy, and this means that your body cannot rest the way it needs to. A good rule of thumb is to only eat during daylight, and limit yourself to liquids after sunset.
Hello darkness my old friend
The body needs darkness to sleep deeply. As the sky gets darker, our brains are programmed to release melanin, the sleepy hormone, but extra lights from TV’s, computers and cellphones disrupts this process and leads to sleeplessness. A good practice is to completely ban any electronic devices in the bedroom and to avoid using them before bed.

#antoniasfoodblog #sleepwelldogood @antoniadeluca
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