At Leafy Greens we support, sustainable organic agriculture and responsible business practices. This reflects our deep respect and love for the planet and for those around us. We use organic ingredients wherever possible, and guarantee that our products are free from refined sugars, 100% dairy-free, free from any added preservatives, are mostly gluten-free, no additives and no animal products whatsoever!
We are so excited to announce the opening of our next Wellness Warehouse 💚 and Wellness Cafe in Pretoria in The Grove Shopping Center🏫. Downstairs opposite Woolworths. We have a #healthy #coffee bar☕️ with 3 milk options and a food-to-go fridge 🍎🍊with amazing new creations straight out of the #leafygreenscafe kitchen 🌯 we open tomorrow, Monday 7 November at 9am. Join us! #wellness #wellnessambassador #thegrove #shopping #mall #antonias #eatclean #pretoria #southafrica ☀️
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