At Leafy Greens we support, sustainable organic agriculture and responsible business practices. This reflects our deep respect and love for the planet and for those around us. We use organic ingredients wherever possible, and guarantee that our products are free from refined sugars, 100% dairy-free, free from any added preservatives, are mostly gluten-free, no additives and no animal products whatsoever!
Antonia graces the cover of @wellnesswarehouse magazine this month😄. What an exciting time! ⭐️magazines available at all Wellness Warehouse stores. We have shared a #recipe inside too! ・・・ We have chosen a green start to summer: green in our food, green in our cosmetics, green supplements and green initiatives. Our October magazine edition is all set to make this month a completely uplifting time with tips and treats to set you up for a memorable month. Read our magazine: #health #healthy #wellness 🍏#magazine #theme #capetown #environment🌿 #green #crueltyfree #happy #love #earth #gogreen🌱 #greenliving #antonias #eatwelldogood #eatclean #healthylife 💚
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