Our Story

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Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa
At Leafy Greens we support, sustainable organic agriculture and responsible business practices. This reflects our deep respect and love for the planet and for those around us. We use organic ingredients wherever possible, and guarantee that our products are free from refined sugars, 100% dairy-free, free from any added preservatives, are mostly gluten-free, no additives and no animal products whatsoever!

Friday, January 29, 2016

Why our diet is important for our overall health and well being

Food variety is important because it provides our body with different macro and micro nutrients on a daily basis. 

This ensures that we cover all bases with regards to health and what our bodies need to thrive on a daily basis. 

Variety in our diets also forces the body to get used to different foods and to know how to digest them all. Our conventionally grown foods today are devoid of most nutrients so its important to eat organic and seasonal wherever possible. 

Joining an organic food delivery service helps you to eat a variety of foods as you are never sure what will be in the box and you are forced to be creative with your meals (watch out for our ready made meals that will be available in our store soon!).

The health benefits of consuming more plants or a plant based diet is that plant foods are full of all the essential vitamins and minerals, antioxidants and enzymes in it's natural format. 

Plant foods help to keep us regular and they are fully of fibre and nutrients. They also protect our hearts, our eyes and have endless health benefits from healthy skin, nails, hormones and more.

Failing to eat a variety of foods can result in our bodies being short of iron or calcium or one of the other essential nutrients that are required to perform optimally and this can impact our health and bodies negatively. 

The best way to ensure that a person’s diet is varied for optimal nutrition is to eat according to the different seasons ensuring you have access to a seasonal variety of plant based ingredients, fruits and nuts. 

One easy way to do this is to shop at farmers markets where they only sell organic and seasonal produce. Or you could plant your own small garden or start sprouting boxes on your windowsill. 

There are many different food groups that we haven't begun to explore, such as grasses, sprouts, nuts, seeds, grains, fruits, vegetables, seaweeds and leafy greens.  

The other health benefits of eating a variety of foods is that supplements such as digestive enzymes and probiotics are a really good addition and essential to our modern diets (try our tonics in store that have numerous health benefits). 

Juicing greens and vegetables is a great way to get more vegetables into your diet without having to eat so many as part of your meals (be sure to try out our juice and smoothie range in store - not only are they delicious but they're also packed with natural goodness!)

Wishing you health and well being
Leafy Greens Cafe and Health Shop

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