Our Story

- Leafy Greens Cafe and Shop
- Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa
- At Leafy Greens we support, sustainable organic agriculture and responsible business practices. This reflects our deep respect and love for the planet and for those around us. We use organic ingredients wherever possible, and guarantee that our products are free from refined sugars, 100% dairy-free, free from any added preservatives, are mostly gluten-free, no additives and no animal products whatsoever!
Saturday, November 5, 2011
The Story of Milk
Friday, October 7, 2011
wow, what a whirlwind of a trip.
The live Blood analysis training in Atlanta was fantastic. Learned so much about health and eating from seeing the details in the blood. I am qualified now and am able to see clients and recommend eating plans.
Today we finished week 2 of Matthew Kenney. I am learning so much at the Academy. We are half way through and the information is just so amazing! Please see my facebook page for all the pictures of the dishes that we have been preparing.
So many exciting things on the horizon for Leafy Greens. Its just the beginning.
Again, thanks for your love and support.
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
I just arrived in Atlanta, I am going to be doing a 3 day full on, one on one, Live Blood Analysis Training. I am about to start the training now. Will keep you all updated on how it goes.
Also been checking out, there seem to be quite a few raw vegan places in Atlanta so I will see if I can get to any of them.
Exciting times ahead!
Yours in Health & Greens
ps. for my dinner last night I had a NAKED Green Smoothie. They are sooooo good. They are available just about everywhere and has the following ingredients:
apple, banana, kiwi, mango, pineapple, spirulina, garlic, chlorella, barley grass, wheat grass, ginger, parsley, broccoli, spinach and blue green algae. Only 140 calories per serving. Looks weird but tastes amazing!! (that's their slogan), cute, I like that. xx
Sunday, September 18, 2011
USA Trip Sept-Nov 2011
I then met up with a friend and ate a lovely salad from Pret a Manger in Bryant Park in the sun. Getting some vitamin D after the long flight over from South Africa.
This week I have been in Philadelphia with my family. They live here. My aunt and uncle and their 7 children. What a struggle it is to feed such a large family. I have been making banana smoothies every morning for the children and green smoothies for the adults. I am so grateful for green smoothies as they are much easier and faster to make than green juice is. Thank you Victoria Boutenko.
This mornings' green smoothie was extra special:
frozen banana
one small cucumber
romaine lettuce
cabbage leaves
Fruits of the Earth Superfood Powder
Earth Superfood powder
Maca powder
soaked almonds
almond milk
cacao nibs
raw honey
frozen blueberries
we drank it in the car on the way to church. everything in this household happens on the go.
For dinner tonight i made a vegan ranch dressing. My cousins love ranch and so I made a healthy one in the Vitamix with cashews, lemon, garlic, olive oil and herb salt. They loved it and couldnt tell the difference:)
My cousin Luke and I got the dehydrator out and were playing with different dried fruits. We sliced up some bananas and stuffed them with raw maple syrup and cinnamon. Also dried kiwi fruit, apples and sprouted almonds and walnuts. Its great gettig the kids involved in the making of their own foods. They can then take these to school with them instead of eating a bag of chips or something.
I start my Live Blood Analysis training on Wednesday in Atlanta. Will let you all know how it goes. I am super excited!!! Moving towards being a health practitioner and increasing my knowledge. Oh, I am so blessed and for this I thank the Lord!
Lots of love to you all, keep up the healthy lifestyle, it will all be so worth it in the end.
Blessings, love and light
18 September 2011
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
I will be at Matthew Kenney from 26 September for 4 weeks.
In the mean time, I have been doing vegan food from Casalinga. It is going well so far. Please see pictures of dishes on our Leafy Greens facebook page.
Thank you again to all of our loyal and much loved customers for all your kind words and positive feeback. We will see you all soon!
Thank you and love
Serna has got a few workshops coming up.
MULDERSDRIFT: Leafy Greens Conference Centre.
11:30 – 14:30
(R350, no lunch)
MULDERSDRIFT: Leafy Greens Café
Sunday 11th September, 11:30 – 14:30
(R350, no lunch
Jono Quail has got a freedom from Fear workshop coming up to, see info below:
Date: Saturday, the 3rd of September, 2011
Time: 8 a.m. - 10 p.m.
Venue: Leafy Greens Café, Plot 328 Rocky Ridge Rd, Muldersdrift (next to Casalinga Restaurant)
Your Investment: R980, including all meals, refreshments, course material and a guided meditation CD
This transformational process facilitated by spiritual teacher, speaker, trainer and life coach Jonathan Quail will change your perception of reality and therefore, both the 'you' who is the perceiver and the world this new 'you' is perceiving, radically. This new 'you' will see a vision of the real world where neither fear nor any of its associated negative emotions, such as guilt, anger, greed, envy and apathy, exist, and you will start to live by the single law of this real world, the world of Divine Truth, while you are apparently living in this world. This law is the law of unconditional love for all living things, which is a law that eliminates all fear and the separation that goes with it from your mind.
This new world and the results you will experience living in it will be so transformed that you will be astonished and delighted with the transformation that starts to take place in your life after this truly life-changing workshop. The fear that binds you to the 'lead' of the negative conditions and circumstances you may be experiencing in your life currently - poor health, financial scarcity, bad relationships or any of the numerous other outward manifestations of fear that seem to be an unavoidable consequence of being human – will be transmuted into the love and the gold of true 'wealth' it produces, which is authentic happiness and the good health, loving relationships and abundance in every aspect of life that we all want but so few seem to enjoy.
The programme for the workshop, or Lifeshop™, as Jonathan prefers calling it, because the day is about life and is a lot of fun rather than being hard work, includes:
- an introduction to the Integral Model developed by Ken Wilber, which is a framework for
understanding the ideas and concepts that will be covered during the weekend and all the integral transformative practices you will be learning during the weekend to help you to understand why you will be doing what you are doing and integrate it all in a way that makes sense to your conscious, rational mind;
- a session that will help you to understand what your mind and your ego are and how your conscious, rational mind governed by your ego creates the ‘reality the world you see, then perceives its self-created version of ‘reality’ as real to confirm its belief that its egoic identity is who you really are in order to keep you stuck in its controlling 'comfort zone' doing the same things over and over again and experiencing the same frustrating results;
- powerful experiential processes to show you how your beliefs limit you in your life that will also help you to think 'out of the box' in future and to see other people as they truly are rather than through the distorted filters of your own fearful mindset;
- a detailed explanation of the origin of fear and the universe the fearful mind has created, the perception of which is the primary way the mind seeks to limit you and what you believe you are and can do;
- a group process that will help you to understand clearly the ‘game’ you have been playing to sabotage your life, your happiness and your highest success and prevent yourself from living a life of love, peace and joy where you are doing what your soul calls you to do;
- a simple yet extremely powerful forgiveness process used by a Hawaiian doctor to heal an entire ward of mentally disturbed patients that you will be guided through to practise forgiveness on yourself and the person whom you feel has hurt you the most in your life;
- a powerful rebirthing breathing process that will help you release deep-seated emotional and energetic blockages and open yourself up to experience love’s presence and the profound sense of peace and joy that automatically come with it (Jonathan and Janice, who co-facilitates the process with him, have healed someone of advanced colon cancer before working together using this rebirthing technique and have helped other people to profoundly transform their lives through this truly life- changing process);
- a fire walk where you will walk over a 5-metre stretch of hot coals without burning your feet at all as conclusive proof to you that your mind controls your reality and that you have the power to do anything you truly believe you can do, no matter how impossible it may previously have seemed to be to you.
- as the culmination of the transformation process, a final session where you will identify the Fundamental Life Operating Programme (FLOP), the core negative programme, that has been running your life up to that point and then ‘flip your FLOP’ by turning this belief around into its opposite positive belief and then discover your true calling in life that pursuing will give you the lessons you need to finally learn that this is who you really are.
If you are wondering if this process will work for you, see below for the testimonials of people who have attended the ‘Freedom From Fear’ Experience and whom it has worked for:
"I have truly had a shift and am without fear and am totally inspired.” - Stephanie Benjamin, ‘Freedom From Fear’ (FFF) workshop attendee
"Contents was explained in a simple clear manner and process was powerful. I have valuable info to take within into my life and growth process forward". - Leigh van den Hurk, FFF workshop attendee
Your investment for these life-changing Lifeshop™ includes delicious vegetarian lunch and dinner, two teas, the fire walk, recordings of the session and a guided meditation CD. To book your place/s for the 'Freedom From Fear' Firewalk Experience on Saturday the 3rd of September at Leafy Greens, a raw food restaurant in Muldersdrift, click here and send the email that pops up, being sure to tell us which Lifeshop™ you want to come to and include your name, cell number and the number of places you want to book in the body of the email.
Busting Out of the ‘Illusion’ and ‘Money Game’
Date: Sunday, the 4th of September, 2011
Time: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Venue: Leafy Greens Cafe / Restaurant, Plot 328 – Rocky Ridge Road, Muldersdrift
Investment: R600 per person
Are you feeling like you can’t cope with the daily grind of having to make a living to pay all your bills and debts? Are these bills and debts seemingly never-ending and ever increasing, causing you to despair sometimes that you will never escape the trap you seem to be in? And does playing this never-ending‘Money Game’ seem futile and destructive to you, yet you don’t know how to escape it? If you answered ‘yes’ to any of the above questions, you are invited to come to a workshop I am doing on Tuesday next week (the 9th of August, a public holiday) at the Shanthi Sanctuary in Bedfordview that will show you how to bust out of this gigantic illusion the whole world is caught up in and free yourself to start living a life where you do what you love and love what you do without being financially constrained.
If this sounds impossible to you, I challenge you to come to the workshop and learn for yourself how you can:
- Fundamentally change your attitude towards money and yourself in the process;
- Free yourself from the enslavement of extortionate debt and taxes lawfully;
- Attract a regular flow of money into your life by finding your ‘flow’, what you were born and love to do;
- Start on the path of your destiny that will reveal your true purpose in life to you over the next few years;
- Be the change you want to see in the world by being part of a worldwide movement creating a brave new world where the sick illusion of
the ‘Money Game’ and the bondage it results in no longer exist and the majority of people are free to pursue their true calling in life.
Attending this workshop will immediately save you hundreds of thousands or even millions of Rand in debt repayments and taxes you would have had to pay in future and free up this money, which is really a proxy for your time, for investing in the more important things in your life, such as finding and following your true calling in life, what only you can do to add value to others and the world by extending love in your own unique way. (For more information about how you can do this and the fraud that the financial system we all buy into is, click here to download an article I recently wrote on the subject). It will also release your inner blocks to the abundance that is rightfully yours and allow it to flow in miraculous ways and means into every area of your life that you can scarcely conceive of.
Ask yourself if you could do anything more beneficial and productive with your time on Tuesday than learn how to save yourself years and years of hard labour to pay debts and taxes that are in fact financing your own enslavement and the enslavement of humanity, and then make the right decision to come and bust out of this insane illusion and the fear that binds you to it forever! Click here and send the email that pops up to take the first step in doing this now or email us at admin@lifebuild.com to book your place/s now. A Vegan Lunch will be provided.